The critically acclaimed Women in Rock UK tour is coming to Swansea Grand Theatre for one night only, and this is a rock concert unlike any other. Celebrating the sensationally strong female leaders of rock, including Blondie, Suzi Q, Janis Joplin, Heart, Joan Jett, Pink, Kiki Dee, Bonnie Tyler, Cher and so many more!
With a cast of world-class musicians and vocalists that deliver a blistering 2 hour performance, you'll be singing, dancing and rocking out from the off with hit after hit. A rock show unlike any other with electric costume changes, soaring vocals, impressive harmonies and audience interaction; you will not be disappointed. Join us for iconic songs, such as Piece of My Heart, Black Velvet, You Oughta Know & Left Outside Alone, as we show you just what these women are made of. You'll be left in awe of the vocal ability of the Women in Rock cast and feeling like you can take on the world!
Mae taith glodwiw Women in Rock yn dod i Theatr y Grand Abertawe am noson yn unig, ac mae'n gyngerdd roc heb ei hail. Mae'n dathlu cantorion roc cryf benywaidd, gan gynnwys Blondie, Suzi Q, Janis Joplin, Heart, Joan Jett, Pink, Kiki Dee, Bonnie Tyler, Cher a llawer mwy! Mae'r perfformiad gwefreiddiol dros 2 awr yn cynnwys cast o gerddorion a chantorion o'r radd flaenaf, a byddwch yn canu, yn dawnsio ac yn mwynhau un gân boblogaidd ar ôl y llall o'r cychwyn. Dyma sioe roc unigryw gyda newidiadau gwisgoedd cyffrous, lleisiau gwefreiddiol, harmonïau trawiadol a rhyngweithio â'r gynulleidfa; fyddwch chi ddim yn cael eich siomi. Ymunwch â ni am ganeuon eiconig, gan gynnwys Piece Of My Heart, Black Velvet, You Oughta Know a Left Outside Alone wrth i ni arddangos doniau'r menywod hyn. Bydd doniau lleisiol cast Women in Rock yn eich syfrdanu a byddwch yn teimlo'n barod i wynebu'r byd!
Gwybodaeth bwysig
Amser 7:00PM Pris £29.00Choose a date
Date of the performance Dydd Gwener, 17 Hydref 2025